Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment Process at United Smiles Dentistry
1. Initial Consultation
Book your FREE consultation and meet Dr. Shah, Invisalign provider in Livermore. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your goals. We will also quickly capture an accurate 3D image of your teeth to use in our assessment.
2. Molding Process
The next step to invisible teeth straightening is the digital molding process. We’ll create your first set of Invisalign clear aligners and outline your treatment plan.
3. Fitting Your Aligners
On your second visit, you’ll try on your new aligners. We’ll ensure they fit snugly and may place small, temporary attachments on your teeth if needed.
4. Progress Checkups
As your teeth move into place, you must return 1-2 weeks for new aligners and regular progress checks. We’ll be with you every step of the way.